FAESS Membership

Membership levels, qualifications, and rights/privileges are defined in the FAESS constitution and bylaws.

Member Benefits

  • Affiliation with the premier soils association on the SE Coastal Plain
  • Interaction with professional colleagues
  • Receive the latest information/training on activities in soils
  • Access to the most up-to-date data and information on hydric soil indicators
  • Free copy or discounts on FAESS publications
  • Personal/professional growth
  • Opportunity to contribute to the progression of soil science in FL and the SE Coastal Plain

If you cannot pay online using the form on this page, you may send a check/money order made payable to: 

4654 East State Road 64, PMB #118
Bradenton, FL 34208

Downloadable Applications:  ProfessionalProfessional   |    Student

LevelQualificationsVoting PrivilegeDues
LIFETIME STATUSAt any time, an individual my achieve lifetime membership status by paying a one-time due of $600. This waives the annual dues for the life of the member, but does not alter the qualifications or rights and privileges. No additional dues will be required if a member qualifies for a higher level of membership (e.g. from Associate to Full Member).Unchanged form relevant class below$600 one-time
MemberShall be one who possess a B.S., MS., or Ph.D.. with major study in Soil Science, and three years, two years, or one year, respectively as a practicing professional, and meets the educational requirements of completing a minimum of 30 semester hours in biological, physical, and earth sciences, with a minimum of 15 semester hours in soils at an accredited institution.Voting$75 year
Associate MemberShall possess all the qualifications of a Member except tenureVoting$75 year
Honorary MemberShall be one whom the FAESS desires to honor because of outstanding contribution to the profession, state, or nationNon-voting$75 year
Affiliate MemberShall be one who does not qualify under any of the above, but desires to participate in the advancement of the professionNon-voting$75 year
Student MemberA degree-seeking student who qualified for Affiliate MembershipNon-votingFree
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