2009 Minutes

Business Meeting Held: 
October 23 @ 1pm 
Austin Carey Memorial Forest 
Conference Center (29.732837, -82.220803) 

Soil Taxonomy Class 
Joe Schuster has offered to instruct a soil taxonomy short course in conjunction with this year’s Annual Meeting. The title of the short course is: Soil Taxonomy and the Classification of Florida Soils. The course schedule is as follows: 
Thursday October 22nd Noon – 5:00 p.m., and 
Friday October 23rd 8:30 a.m – Noon.

Joe will provide all necessary course literature. CEUs will be awarded to attendees completing the full session. Cost of the short course is $25.00 for members and $125 for non-members. Please contact Joe at jschuster@ecoresource.com so he can plan accordingly.

Field Trip 
October 24 (final time and agenda discussed at the meeting). Tentative trip is to observe Flatwoods and sandhill soil/landscape relationships. LIDAR and GPR will be expolored.

FAESS has not recieved a group rate for any hotels. Check local hotels in the Gainesville area.