October 24-25 – Ocala Hilton
This is an election year. Chad Rischar will succeed Joe Sullivan as President. Sullivan will succeed Rex Ellis as Past-President. Ellis’ term on the Executive Council will end. We will vote on filling the office of Secretary-Treasurer (2-year term), Vice-President (2-year term), and President (6-year term). Note: the elected president will serve two years as President-Elect, two years as President, and two years as Past-President.
The nominations committee has closed the request for nominations to be added to the 2014 Officer Ballots. The ballots have been printed and delivered to the Secretary-Treasurer. If you would like to run but missed this window, we welcome you to be nominated from the floor. To do so, you must be eligible to hold office (requirements outined in Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution and Bylaws). Contact the Secretary-Treasurer if you have questions about your eligibility. If you plan to nominate a member from the floor, please confirm with that person that 1) he/she wants to run and 2) he/she is eligible.